How To Save Battery On Android Mobile | Battery Saving Tips | Get Long Time Battery Backup

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In this today i will show you how to save battery on android phone 2018 update tricks.

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How To Save Battery On Android Mobile, Battery Saveing Tips 2019

If you really want to stretch your phone battery life, the approach that makes the most impact is to lower your screen’s brightness and kill anything you aren’t actively using. Basic resource management goes a long way, and since your display is almost certainly the biggest battery hog no matter what device you’re using, lowering its power intake will improve battery life across the board.

That said, there are still tons of tweaks and fixes you can use to really wring the most out of your phone battery. We’ll be going into detail for each of these, and we’ll be moving at a pace that even tech-unsavvy newcomers to the Android operating system can follow.

So if you find yourself nodding and saying to yourself, “Yeah, yeah, I already know this stuff,” then feel free to skip on ahead. If you’re a serious, long-time user, you probably won’t find much here you don’t already know, but a refresher never hurts!

So without further ado, here is absolutely everything you need to know about getting the most out of your phone battery life, from routine maintenance to rooting and under-clocking.

Many users leave these features running all day without really thinking about it. Turning on Airplane Mode will knock out all of them in one fell swoop. Airplane Mode isn’t just for when you’re airborne, however. If you’re in an area where cell service is patchy, your phone can expend a lot of battery power trying to get the best connection it can.

Turning on Airplane Mode or turning off your mobile data in favor of an available Wi-Fi network can make all the difference in the world. If you have the choice between using Wi-Fi or cell signal, always choose Wi-Fi, all else being equal. Wi-Fi drains far less battery than cellular service.

In the modern age of Android’s maturity, there’s no reason that killing apps should be a part of your everyday use of the device. Sometimes it’s possible for apps to go rogue and start hogging resources, but those are the kind of devils you want to put down for good. If part of your regular use of your phone involves app killing, you’re probably depleting battery life rather than saving it.

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